
Perun Mosfets - What is it?

I had the opportunity to visit Perun Mosfets in Poland and I had an amazing time.

This is a tutorial on how to maintain your airsoftgun by cleaning the inner barrel. The tools and the materials are : cleaning rod, a piece of small cloth, silicone oil, and the airsoft itself. Follow the steps to remove dirt inside your inner barrel and makes your airsoft lasts longer.

The new SSS E-Trigger System imported the piston Pre-cocking feature and the Microswitch Trigger technology, which greatly increased the rate of fire and trigger sensitivity while firing.

If the product is operating correctly, it is not necessary to run self-diagnostics.
00:07 How to activate the Self-diagnosis Function

The Short-Stroke Flat Trigger will increase the rate of fire and trigger sensitivity while firing. 【MA-456】MARS Short-Stroke Flat Trigger (SSS Only)
